Night At The Museum Lepore Ball, Bizarre Category! [got my 10s, first walk] photo by Scam Likely
b. 1993
Austin, TX
Dev/in Alejandro-Wilder (they/we) is a born-‘deaf’ latine transmasc non-binary proto-cyborg publicly operating as a visual artist, independent scholar, intra-community disability advocate, 007, and occasional drag performer dually based in Austin, TX and Los Angeles. Manifesting works across sculpture/installation, experimental digital/analog lens-based technologies, body-site performance, and Land Art— their material studio practice explores the mythologies of “identity” by criticizing the interlocking oppressive systems and apparatuses imposed upon us and which control our entangled realities.
As a critical-cultural theorist Alejandro-Wilder alchemizes conversational and investigative contemporary research methods into interdisciplinary academic discourse to give voice and support the Canonization of under-documented individual and collective lived-experiences. Since joining The Revolution School— an open ‘neuroqueer’ artist collective initiated in 2020 by Los Angeles artist Jennifer Moon, represented by Commonwealth and Council— Alejandro-Wilder founded Free School Now (2021) with support from The Museum of Human Achievement (TX) and was named a 2022 Creative Capital Awardee for TRS’s ongoing trauma-processing AI-companion project BEI: Belief Identity Identifier 🤖🐭. Alejandro-Wilder is a studio member of the East Austin DIY project space All The Sudden establishing an emergent body of mixed-media ‘life-art’ works and developing sustainable wealth-redistribution business models for non-institutional “outsider” artists under the self-incorporation DEVCORP☺.
"fan tasma Scrooger Card", The Revolution Deck 2020 - 2025